1 August 2019 ‘Successfully working in a movement means recognising your strengths and weaknesses’ Mozilla's Brandi Geurkink and Jon Lloyd reflect on the campaign to hold Google and Facebook accountable to their promises for political ad transparency. by Lauren L. Finch
19 July 2019 What makes a brilliant advocacy strategy? "Who can give us what we want?" and "why haven't they given it to us yet?" are some of the big questions that campaigners need to examine, says Save the Children's Kirsty McNeill. by Kirsty McNeill
13 February 2019 The keys to the Sunrise Movement’s momentum? A bold idea, a visionary narrative, and organising best practices Nathan Willcox and Carina Barnett-Loro from the Climate Advocacy Lab look at research that helps explain the effectiveness of the campaign for a Green New Deal in the US. by Climate Advocacy Lab
18 December 2018 The most thought-provoking campaigning reads of 2018 For advocacy campaigners, 2018 was a year of experimentation, rethinking and people power. Revisit some of the top moments. by MobLab Team
10 November 2018 How civil societies in Brazil, India and the US are resisting growing authoritarianism MobLab Live explores what changemakers in these three countries have learned while building power to confront growing authoritarianism. by MobLab Team
16 July 2018 How ‘Clean Energy Now’ became a national conversation In Kenya, Clean Energy Now is using national politics, influencers and new coalitions to turn reliable, clean energy into a national priority. by Jamie Woolley
2 July 2018 Four ways nonprofits are learning from March for Our Lives, Keep Families Together and a new wave of people-powered action How Parkland students and others are flipping the script, dreaming big and building movements that adapt to today’s rapid pace of change. by Michael Silberman
21 May 2018 How do we innovate and win when campaigning gets harder? MobLab Live explores how campaigners can adapt when governments and corporations make social change more difficult (and riskier). by MobLab Team
9 April 2018 Tomando Bimbo con un nuevo enfoque: Un caso de estudio de Acelerador de Campañas Greenpeace México utilizó Acelerador de Campañas en 2016 para probar estrategias creativas dirigidas a empujar a la empresa multinacional a ser un líder en agricultura sostenible. by Fermín Koop