Last week, Avaaz staff and volunteers hand-delivered over 2 million signatures in Brasilia, Brazil, asking that President Dilma Rousseff protect the Amazon rainforest by vetoing destructive changes to the nation’s forest law. Greenpeace has partnered with Avaaz and others in this campaign.
The petition was delivered via iPad which allowed Avaaz to keep the petition open for signatures and show government officials that real people were continuing to add their name to it.
A Greenpeace colleague, Eoin Dubsky, sent a note explaining the tactic:
“Avaaz staff and volunteers are delivering 2m signature Amazon petition right now in Brasilia, and they’re doing something clever you might like to try in your next campaign (with a hand-delivered petition) — They’re delivering it on a tablet/iPad, with a live counter. They’ve said so on the action landing page too, so people who read the “We’re delivering the petition now…” message have a strong incentive to sign immediately (your name could flash by just as the government official grabs the iPad).”
This approach lends a sense of urgency and reality to the petition presentation – for both officials receiving the petition and citizens asked to sign it. We have included screenshots from the action page here.

Avaaz Brazil action page
tech, tools and tactics